Fernsehbeitrag über unsere Nussforschung
Wir freuen uns über einen sehr schönen ORF Beitrag über unsere Forschung an Nussschalen am Institut für Biophysik Danke Sigrid Smejkal.
Wir freuen uns über einen sehr schönen ORF Beitrag über unsere Forschung an Nussschalen am Institut für Biophysik Danke Sigrid Smejkal.
Raman imaging to elucidate the hidden multicomponent layered structure of plant cuticles : with the guide published in Frontiers of Plant Science we want to share our experience and inspire plant research. Based on the three investigated cuticles (Arabidopsis stem, spruce needle, tomato) we discuss the chemical and structural diversity and validate our findings by weiterlesen…
Control and growth of extracellular ice in plant tissues
Heat adaptation of plant cuticles on the micro- and nanoscale
Very happy to see our latest nutshell research on pistaccio featured in Science Magazine, many local newspapers as well as in Ö1 (Wissen aktuell) Pistachios wallop walnuts as the toughest nut to crack | Science | AAAS (sciencemag.org) https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210399
Dedicated to URSULA Lütz-Meindl: she impressed me during my student days as an excellent and competent female lecturer…so happy to do with her Raman imaging on MICRASTERIAS 20 years later @BOKUvienna and so sad that I had to finish this paper alone. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00709-021-01685-3
Sebastian Antreich finds a „belt for the cell“ and discusses the role of these cellulosic cell wall thickenings to shape the interlocked 3D-puzzle cells in walnut shells https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab197
Check out our easy to read article on our favorite method!! https://analyticalscience.wiley.com/do/10.1002/
Big congratulations to @FelhoferMartin@BOKUvienna 3 great studies (https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpy073…, https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2020-0170…, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00205…) great dissertation and today an outstanding oral defence. Many thanks for all your contributions and awesome graphics!
Check out also #lockdown@ERC_Research review on „Functional packaging of seeds“ by Jessica Huss @BOKUvienna@NewPhythttps://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nph.17299#.YGxfGcrvKfM.twitter